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How to Use Your Skills to Help Humanity

With the world economy teetering on the edge, there has never been a greater need for qualified volunteers of all types all over the world. Western governments are not the only ones struggling with austerity measures and governmental agency cutbacks. Central American countries are struggling as well. And the one thing they all have in common is a tremendous need for volunteers in the areas of medicine, dentistry, agriculture, construction, and education. If you have ever asked yourself if you have done enough with your time on earth helping those less fortunate, now is your opportunity to make a difference. The needs are greater than ever before, and many people are finding that yes, one person CAN make a difference. That person might be you! Why not volunteer in Costa Rica, for instance?

For some, the idea of volunteering with a solid time commitment comes after serious soul searching. When times are hard, people begin to question how they spent their lives, and whether their lives made a difference in the lives of others. When we question ourselves honestly, we realize that we can offer our time and our talents for the betterment of humanity, rather than get stuck in the cycle of negativity where we only offer critiques without solutions.

If you have experience in construction, agriculture, botany or biology, you can become a volunteer in Costa Rica, where needs outstrip the ability of local governments to provide for it’s people. Volunteering in countries like these provides invaluable assistance to those hit by natural disaster and helps them get back on their feet, when their local governments are unable to provide. For those with medical and dental experience, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer in Guatemala, where rural health care is nearly non-existent and clinics for basic care are too far and few in between. If you have ever questioned whether you have done enough to help your fellow man, now is the time to step up. Step up and volunteer to improve the lives of those less fortunate than yourself. You won’t regret it.


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