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Monday, November 19, 2012

Tremendous Tips for Behemoth Bass Trophies

There are a large number of fishing enthusiasts who love bass fishing, but there are few who are able to catch monster sized trophy bass. This is not due to the lack of angling skills. Most sport fishing hobbyist have good fishing skills or they would never catch a fish. What they lack is the special knowledge of what it takes to catch big bass and the preparation to effectively go after them. Finding huge bigmouth's is both an art and a science with a little bit of luck thrown in for good measure. A good sized lake where the water stays between 65 ° and 85 ° F with an average temperature in the low 70's is the place to find big bass. They are the most active in this temperature range which means they eat more and grow larger. Bass need a good large lake that provides the right environment for them to hunt. They need areas where they can hide and move around undetected. An ideal area is where there is fallen timber and thick weeds in less than 3-5 feet of water. Bass are colored so they can hide around the trees and wait for bait fish to show up in the weedy areas. A plentiful source of food is required for bass to grow to be trophy sized. A lake that supports a large population of shiners, shad, blue gills, and other sunfish is an ideal location. It is also advantageious if there are a few big frogs and some small snakes in the area. Bait fish eat small organisms that generally live in grassy or weedy areas of the lake. To attract the bass with the best lure requires knowing the exact characteristics of the bait fish that inhabit the area where you are fishing. Bass are sensitive to colors, sounds, and movements. In order to catch a big bass, you must use a lure that imitates exactly what he is used to eating. Netting a few bait fish in the area where you want to fish will show exactly how your lures should look. Watching the bait fish swim is helpful. By watching them, you learn their habits and swimming techniques. You can observe how they turn, stop, and the speed at which they normally swim. All of this is beneficial to learn how to present a crankbait that will fool an experienced old predator. If the perfect color, size, and shape of crankbait are not available try using live bait. Netting a few bait fish from not only the same lake where you are fishing, but the same area of the lake will give you the best live baits. When placing the live bait on the hook, use care so you don't have the hook showing. The bait should move thorough the water just exactly the same as it naturally swims. This may require experimenting with the hook placement. One effective way to make a natural presentation is to use a long shaft hook. Push the hook into the baits mouth, down into its belly and pull the hook forward until it's is secure. The line comes out of the fish's mouth so as its pulled through the water, it looks natural and water passes over its gills.

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